Our HSE Policy

Policy Statement

HSE Policy

Avon Basson Nigeria limited endeavors to build value through developing sustainable long-term relationships between partners and community.

It is the policy of Avon Basson to comply with applicable legislation and as far as reasonably practicable to conduct all its activities in such a way as to;
• Avoid harm to all personnel involved or exposed by its operations.
• Prevent damages to property and loss of assets due to accidents.
• Minimize adverse effects of its operations on the environment.
• Respect the interests of neighbors and the surroundings.
Avon Basson believes that the prevention of accidents and ill health, and protection of the environment are essential to the efficient operation of its business.
Health, Safety and Environmental performance will be monitored and regularly reported to the board of directors of the company. Avon Basson will ensure that the necessary resources are provided to support this policy and seek continuous improvement in performance.
Dr Chukwuemeka chukwunweike mbajiorgu

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